Elevating Professional Standards in Clinical and Supervision Settings

ahpra ahpra board approved supervisor ahpra psychology clinical psychology clinical supervision generally registered psychologist professional standards provisional psychologist provisional psychologist hub telehealth psychology Sep 26, 2024

A Focus on Telehealth

In today’s digital world, maintaining high professional standards is essential for psychologists and supervisors, especially in the context of clinical sessions and supervision. At Provisional Psychologist Hub, our mission is to ensure that provisional psychologists receive a supportive supervision experience, which extends to the way we engage with clients and supervisees alike.

First Impressions Matter

Whether in a clinical setting with clients or during supervision with provisional psychologists, first impressions are crucial. A polished and professional appearance—comprising appropriate attire and a well-organised background—reflects our dedication to professionalism. This is particularly important in virtual sessions, where visual cues are key to establishing trust and rapport.

Have you taken a moment to evaluate what's behind you during your video calls? A cluttered or distracting environment can detract from the focus of your sessions. Look for elements that may inadvertently reveal too much personal information or create a chaotic visual experience for your clients.

Consider Your Experience with Others

Our experiences influence our choices in subtle ways. Have you ever found yourself mentally unsubscribing from someone's presence during a meeting?

  • Have you been on a web conference where you could see someone's bedroom in the background?
    Reflect on how such an environment affected your perception of professionalism. Did it distract you from the discussion? Did it impact your sense of trust in the speaker’s expertise? Consider how your own background might communicate unintended messages to clients and supervisees.

  • When did you last attend a web conference where someone's child entered the virtual screen?
    Think about how that interruption affected the flow of the session. While personal circumstances are understandable, such moments can disrupt the focus and convey a lack of preparation or boundaries. How might similar occurrences during your sessions impact your professionalism and the client’s experience?

  • Have you ever joined a web conference where the presenter appeared late without prior notice?
    Consider how that affected your perception of their professionalism and respect for your time. Late arrivals can signal disorganisation or a lack of commitment, undermining the trust and rapport that are essential in clinical and supervisory settings. Reflect on your own punctuality for virtual sessions—how does being on time or late impact your professional image?

  • Have you participated in a session where the speaker seemed unprepared or disorganised?
    Think about instances when the presenter struggled to find materials or frequently lost their train of thought. Such behavior can create a sense of confusion and diminish the credibility of the speaker. Ask yourself if you’ve ever felt similarly during your sessions. Are you taking the necessary steps to prepare in advance, ensuring a smooth and focused experience for your clients and supervisees?

  • Have you ever attended a session where the presenter was eating on camera?
    Consider how this behaviour impacted your engagement and perception of professionalism. Eating during a meeting can be distracting and may convey a lack of respect for the time and attention of others. It can also make clients and supervisees feel uncomfortable or undervalued. Reflect on your own practices—are there moments during your sessions when you might inadvertently create distractions? Ensuring you’re fully present and focused during your meetings can enhance the overall experience for everyone involved.


Creating a Therapeutic Environment

In clinical sessions, the environment significantly influences client comfort. For telehealth, psychologists should ensure their backgrounds are tidy and free from distractions, creating a safe space for clients to share. This also applies to supervisors, who should cultivate an inviting atmosphere during supervision sessions. Think about designing a dedicated space that reflects your professional identity. This could include neutral colours, minimal decorations and good lighting. 

If creating a permanent background isn't an option, then make the most of the use of technology to manage this with filters and virtual backgrounds that maintain a consistent look across all your telehealth interactions.

It's easy to get comfortable over time so regularly maintain your setup to ensure it remains tidy and reflective of your professional image. Why not do a check now. 


  • Is my background tidy and free of distractions?
  • Do I have neutral colours and minimal decorations visible?
  • Is my lighting soft and flattering?
  • Am I using a professional virtual background or filter if needed?
  • When was the last time I checked my setup for cleanliness and professionalism?


Selecting the Right Environment for Comfort and Confidentiality

Creating a Professional Client Experience

In clinical telehealth sessions, it’s essential to create a warm and comfortable environment for clients. Psychologists should check their technology beforehand and ensure they are in a quiet, distraction-free, confidential space. This attentiveness not only promotes a better therapeutic experience but also enhances the client’s sense of safety.

  • Check Technology Beforehand: Ensure that your webcam, microphone, and speakers are functioning properly. A second monitor can be beneficial for managing notes and resources without interrupting the session.

  • Set Up Your Space: Use a stand or tripod for your webcam to achieve an optimal angle and ensure eye contact.

  • Avoid Distractions: Conduct sessions in a quiet, distraction-free, and confidential space. This attentiveness not only promotes a better therapeutic experience but also enhances the client’s sense of safety.

  • Use Reliable Devices: Avoid using mobile phones for supervision sessions, as they can lead to technical issues and distractions. Instead, opt for a laptop or desktop computer to facilitate a more stable and professional interaction.

By following these guidelines, psychologists can foster a secure and effective telehealth environment that enhances client trust and engagement.

Maintaining Professional Boundaries in Supervision

While fostering an open and collaborative supervisory relationship is important, maintaining professional boundaries is equally crucial. Supervisors should guide discussions, ensuring that the focus remains on the supervisee's development and compliance with Psychology Board of Australia guidelines, while also modeling ethical behaviour for their supervisees.

Prompt Communication

Timely Responses Enhance Relationships

Effective communication is vital for building strong therapeutic and supervisory relationships. Psychologists must respond promptly to client enquiries and needs, ensuring that clients feel heard and supported. Similarly, supervisors should maintain open lines of communication with supervisees, addressing concerns and providing guidance in a timely manner.

Utilising Official Channels

We encourage all our supervisors to communicate exclusively through the provided Provisional Psychologist Hub email addresses. This practice streamlines communication and maintains confidentiality, fostering a professional atmosphere for both clinical and supervisory interactions.

Are you consistent in using your organisational email address? Many psychologists and supervisors work for multiple organisations, which can present challenges. Inconsistent use can lead to breaches of confidentiality and create confusion for both clients and the organisations you represent.

Reflect on your communication channels—are there areas for improvement?

Maximising Administrative Support Teams

Leveraging Administrative Resources for Efficiency

Administrative support teams play a crucial role in enabling psychologists to focus on client care and supervisors to prioritise mentorship with their supervisees. By ensuring that tasks like appointment tracking, and billing are handled efficiently, psychologists can devote more energy to their clients, while supervisors can concentrate on providing quality guidance to their supervisees.

Are you using your administration team effectively, or are you trying to manage everything on your own?

  • Have I clearly communicated my needs and expectations to the administrative team?
  • Am I delegating appropriate tasks to the administration team rather than handling them myself?
  • Do I regularly check in with the team to ensure processes are running smoothly?
  • Am I utilising the team's skills to enhance my efficiency and client care?
  • Am I responding to my administration team promptly to enable their efficiency to manage my clients' expectations? 

Collaborative Efforts for Optimal Support

Supervisors should work closely with administrative staff to ensure that all necessary documentation is completed promptly. This collaboration enhances efficiency and allows for a more productive experience, both for clients and supervisees. Sometimes we get so comfortable with email technology that we forget to use the phone, why not make a time to call your administration team intermittently to check in. 

A Shared Responsibility for Excellence

In our pursuit of excellence, we should strive to be leaders in elevating professional standards within both clinical and supervisory settings. Each of us plays an integral role in this mission, regardless of where we are on the psychology pathway. By adhering to ethical guidelines, demonstrating strong organisational skills, and maintaining a professional demeanor, we can significantly enhance the experiences of our clients and supervisees.

As we work together to support provisional psychologists on their journey to full registration, it is imperative to uphold the highest standards of professionalism in all interactions. Through effective communication, a focus on presentation, and leveraging administrative support, we can create positive and productive environments for everyone involved.

Together, let’s elevate the standards of psychological practice and supervision, ensuring that both clients and provisional psychologists receive the exceptional guidance and care they deserve.

Want to consult further on your approach to telehealth?

Why not schedule a session with one of the highly experienced supervisors at Psychology Supervisor Hub? Our team are highly experienced in telehealth delivery and can guide you through ethical, legal, and professional considerations. Follow this link to explore our list of available supervisors and book your session online.

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