Updated Competencies for Psychologists
Nov 18, 2024
The Professional Core Competencies outline the essential knowledge, skills, and abilities that psychologists must demonstrate in order to achieve and maintain general registration. These competencies provide a clear framework for practice across various settings, ensuring that psychologists can deliver high-quality, ethical care that meets the needs of their clients and adheres to the regulatory standards of the profession.
While it's important for provisional psychologists to be aware of these changes and the impact they may have on their pathway or program, it is equally important for psychologists to understand their responsibilities in light of the updated competencies. This is particularly relevant when undertaking Continuing Professional Development (CPD) planning, as the new competencies will inform the types of learning and development activities that are necessary to maintain professional standards.
Psychologists will need to ensure that their CPD activities align with the updated competencies to ensure they remain compliant with the evolving requirements. This might involve enhancing skills in areas like cultural competence, ethical practice, or advanced assessment techniques, depending on individual needs and practice areas.
The Psychology Board of Australia (PsyBA) is providing a range of resources to help you prepare for these changes, including fact sheets, self-assessments, FAQs, and an advance copy of the changes. You can access these resources to better understand the new competencies and plan accordingly.
For more detailed information, refer to the PsyBA article outlining what psychologists should know about the updated competencies. This will help you understand the specific changes and how they may affect your professional practice.
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