Elisa Morel

(Independent Contractor)

The wealth of experience and qualifications our supervisors possess can greatly enhance your program. We invite you to review their profiles to determine if they align with your specific areas of focus and contribute to the success of your supervision.

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Elisa has worked in the private sector including vocational rehabilitation and private psychology practice. She had worked in the public arena in the area of acute mental health services for children and adolescents and within early intervention services with pre-schoolers.

Elisa has 14 years of practice mainly delivering counselling and assessment across the lifespan and across a range of presenting problems and mental health concerns.
Trained in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Elisa draws on this therapeutic tool along with a range of other therapies including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Motivation Interviewing, Interpersonal Therapy, Brief Solution Focused Therapy in her clinical practice. A holistic practitioner, Elisa has an interest in art therapy, yoga practice and meditation.

A board approved supervisor since 2018, Elisa has a passion to support new psychology graduates and those early in their careers to be well equipped and to ensure they draw satisfaction in their work as a psychologist.

  • Case Report Reviewing
  • NPE Preparation
  • Ethical, Professional and Legal Matters
  • Supervising Decisions Relating to Mandatory Reporting
  • Intervention and Treatment Planning
  • Working with/in Schools
  • Intervention with Trauma
  • Working with Neurodiverse Clients
  • Risk Assessment
  • Occupational Rehabilitation
  • Experience with Positive Behaviour Support
  • Working with Disability
  • Perinatal Mental Health, Conception and Pregnancy
  • Working with Children (5 - 12 yo), Adolescence (12 - 18 yo) and Late Adolescence (18 - 25 yo)
  • Working with Adult and Late Adulthood
  • Working with Gender Diverse Populations
  • Eating Disorders
  • Working with Couples

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