Digital Assessment Library for Provisional Psychologists (non member payment plan)

$185 plus $103 administration fee

Congratulations on upgrading your membership to include 12 months access to the Digital Assessment Library for Provisional Psychologists

What You'll Get!

Provisional Psychologist Hub and Pearson Clinical Assessment customised the Digital Assessment Library for Provisional Psychologists with a selection of the scoring manuals and stimulus within an easily accessible online library. This offer is exclusively available twice a year once commencing in April and once in October. 

12 months access to the  Digital Assessment Library for Provisional Psychologists Access

 From October 2024 to October 2025

Note: This library is for manuals and stimulus only, discuss with your supervisor if you need additional resources to administrate the assessments outlined.

  • Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV A&NZ) 
    • Digital Administration and Scoring Manual 
    • Digital Technical and Interpretation Manual 
    • Digital Stimulus Book #1 
    • Digital Stimulus Book #2 
  • Wechsler Memory Scale® Fourth Edition (WMS®-IV)
    • Digital Administration and Scoring Manual 
    • Digital Technical and Interpretation Manual
    • Digital Stimulus Book #1
    • Digital Stimulus Book #2 
    • Q-global WMS-IV Digital Stimulus Book 1 Administration Directions
    • Q-global WMS-IV Digital Stimulus Book 2 Administration Directions
  • Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fifth Edition (WISC-V)
    • Digital Administration Manual 
    • Digital Technical and Interpretation Manual 
    • Digital Stimulus Book #1 
    • Digital Stimulus Book #2 
  • The Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning, Third Edition (WRAML3)
    • WRAML3 Digital Administration Manual 
    • WRAML3 Digital Technical Manual
  • Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Third Edition: Australian and New Zealand Standardised (WIAT-III A&NZ)
    • Q-global Digital WIAT-III A&NZ Examiner's Manual
    • Q-global Digital WIAT-III Dyslexia Index Scoring Manual
    • Q-global Digital WIAT-III A&NZ Scoring and Normative Supplement for School Aged Children
    • Q-global Digital WIAT-III A&NZ Stimulus Book
    • Q-global Digital WIAT-III A&NZ Word Card
    • Q-global Digital WIAT-III A&NZ Pseudoword Card
    • Q-global WIAT-III A&NZ Audio Files (Digital)
    • Q-global Digital WIAT-III A&NZ Oral Reading Fluency Booklet
  • Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence Second Edition (WASI-II)
    • Q-global WASI-II Manual (Digital)
    • Q-global WASI-II Stimulus Book (Digital)  
  • Raven's Progressive Matrices Second Edition (Raven's 2)
    • Raven's 2 Manual (Digital)
  • Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II)
    • BDI-II Manual (Digital) 
  • Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-3 (MMPI-3)
    • MMPI-3 Technical Manual (Q-global Digital) 
    • MMPI-3 Manual for Administration, Scoring & Interpretation (Q-global Digital) 

Am I eligible? 
The Digital Assessment Library for Provisional Psychologists is strictly available to provisional psychologists. Please ensure that your registration reflects provisional registration prior to purchase and that you inform your principal supervisor. 

Digital Assessment Library for Provisional Psychologists Access
You will have access to the Digital Assessment Library for Provisional Psychologists for 12 months from October 2024 to October 2025. This product is owned and managed by Pearson Clinical Assessment sold on their behalf by Provisional Psychologist Hub. Your purchase of this item is acceptance of their terms and conditions available for your review here; 

All those wishing to use the Digital Assessment Library for Provisional Psychologists will be required to register with Pearson Clinical Assessment as a 'registered test user' here; 

$24.00 AUD

12 weekly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

All purchases are subject to our terms of use policy, intellectual property, privacy and services agreement. Please refer to the links at the bottom of this page. 

This membership includes a Digital Assessment Library for Provisional Psychologists. This product is owned and managed by Pearson Clinical Asssessment sold on their behalf by Provisional Psychologist Hub. Your purchase of this item is acceptance of their terms and conditions, available for your review here; 

All Provisional Psychologist Hub Members wishing to use the Digital Assessment Library for Provisional Psychologists will be required to register with Pearson Clinical Assessment as a 'registered test user' here; if you are not already registered. 

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