Fast Track Gold Membership (Fortnightly)

Congratulations on selecting Provisional Psychologist Hub for your Fast Track Gold Membership!

What You'll Get!

The Provisional Psychologist Hub Fast Track Gold Membership is perfect for those undertaking a role that has between 18 and 29 hours of psychological practice per week. It can also work for a full time role if you have regular onsite secondary supervision to compliment the membership. 

On the Fast Track Gold Membership your per annum supervision entitlements are delivered week to week. You will have a 1.5 hour weekly appointment 48 weeks a year. Most weeks that appointment will be with your principal or secondary supervisor but every 6 weeks you get to replace it with a group supervision selection from over 300 sessions and 60 topics. A Fast Track Gold Membership allows for 4 weeks a year without supervision so you can take a well deserved vacation from psychological practice and your work role. 

Supervision is required to be completed at a rate of 1 hour to every 17 hours of practice. 

  • No lock in contracts
  • 9 hours group supervision per annum (6 weekly) of your choice, including; 
    • A diverse range of topics 7 days a week 
    • National Psychology Exam Sessions
    • Inside and Outside of Hours 
    • Up to 5 participants per group  
  • 5 hours individual supervision per annum, may be used for; 
    • Career Coaching
    • Principal Supervision 
    • Secondary Supervision 
    • Supervision for Psychometric Assessment 
    • Case Report Review 
    • Observations of Practice 
  • 48 weeks supervision per annum 
  • 4 weeks leave allowance 
  • Supervised access to psychometric assessments
  • 18 months access to NovoPsych Pro Account (limited offer via NovoPsych) 
  • Professional Development Subscription 
  • Discounts off National Psychology Exam Training  

Workshop and Resource Access 
You will continue to have access to your professional development for as long as your membership remains current and payments continue to be made. Once you cancel your membership you will have access to your professional development until the end of that billing cycle. 

Once you have been a member for 4 months you will have access to the psychometric assessment library. You may loan each assessment once over the course of your membership for up to 3 weeks for each assessment including return postage. For full terms and conditions see our Service Agreement at the bottom of the page.

Supervision entitlements 
Memberships provide a per annum entitlement of services delivered monthly. If a member exceeds their pro-rata entitlement they will be notified and provided options to balance their entitlements in the following month or settle payment for the exceeded regular retail price of that service. Any member cancelling their membership having exceeded their entitlements will be provided 30 days to finalise payment.

$545.00 AUD

Every 2 weeks

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

All purchases are subject to our terms of use policy, intellectual property, privacy and services agreement. Please refer to the links at the bottom of this page. 


$21 per week for the first 3 months of your membership!

This comprehensive access includes manuals and stimulus to support your exam preparation and competence in psychometric assessment. This library of resources will be activated in October of 2024 and remain so for 12 months. It includes resources such as the WAIS-IV Administration and Scoring Manual, the WMS-IV Technical Interpretation Manual, the WRAML3 Technical Manual and the WASI-II Stimulus Book just to name a few.  CLICK HERE  to view the full list of inclusions. 

Terms and Conditions:
If your membership ends, payments for the Digital Assessment Library will continue until the completion of the payment plan. Your Digital Assessment Library for Provisional Psychologists is non refundable after access has been granted.


This product is owned and managed by Pearson Clinical Assessment sold on their behalf by Provisional Psychologist Hub. Your purchase of this item is acceptance of their terms and conditions available for your review here; 


All Provisional Psychologist Hub Members wishing to use the Digital Assessment Library for Provisional Psychologists will be required to register with Pearson Clinical Assessment as a 'registered test user' here; 

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